Attila Kocsis Author of articles

Attila Kocsis
Published by:
3 Articles

Author's articles

  • Pathological types of foot fungus and their therapeutic methods. How to recognize lesions and their symptoms. Preparations and folk remedies for the treatment of skin fungus on the feet.
    3 November 2022
  • Apple cider vinegar is a good helper in fighting toenail fungus. It is used for compresses, baths and lotions in the treatment of mild forms of onychomycosis. Vinegar is also used in addition to more severe forms of fungal infections.
    11 June 2022
  • Let's consider the main types of fungi on the feet, taking into account the main causative agents of the disease and symptoms - rubrophytosis, candidiasis, onychomycosis, interdigital, squamous -hyperkeratotic, dyshydratic and erased forms of mycosis. Photo of foot mycoses. Foot fungus treatment and pathology prevention.
    28 September 2021