No one will argue with the fact that being sick with anything is not a pleasant job. And if a fungal infection occurs, nothing can be said about it, and it is clear that there is nothing good about it. The treatment of nail fungus on the toes is a long and time consuming process, but still needs to be done, the consequences and complications can be several times worse than the disease itself. The infection spreads to the entire limb or even the legs and causes problems with movement.
Nail fungus is one type of infection, and it can also affect other parts of the foot: feet, other toes, and so on. According to statistics, about 25% of the world's population sooner or later see a doctor with this infection. And if it also hurts, that definitely means it’s time to treat the fungus on the feet.
But fortunately, there is a cure, and it is not difficult to cure the fungus permanently. There are so many methods of treatment that everyone, if they want to, can find a drug that can treat the pathology of the feet alone.
Treatment of fungus on the toes is prescribed by a dermatologist after consultation with the patient. This takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient, in particular, the allergic reaction to any component of the drug. If any, it is necessary to prescribe its analogue and not to aggravate health.
How is this pathology treated?
First of all, if there is a suspicion of a fungal infection, you need to remove the infected area. Where is he? That's right - on the toes, or where it hurts. It also happens that the seriousness of the fungus and disease further slows down, and removal operations are performed on the surface of the affected area. Treatment is prescribed by a specialized dermatologist and no one else.
To combat this infection, modern medicine has come up with a wide variety of medications, both for the nail itself and the finger itself, and the entire lower limb. These are not just pills - for the most part, not even pills - but a variety of creams, ointments, varnishes for use on the feet and more. To make the treatment as effective as possible, experts mix these methods to treat nail fungus.
Treatment with folk remedies
What to do if your thumb hurts and you still haven’t had time to see a dermatologist for consultation? You have to bear the pain with at least something, you need the wrong way, and traditional medicine can help you in this. Our ancestors have observed the properties of some products for centuries, and their many years of experience are used by people to this day.
So what is it?
- Potato skins. After peeling the potatoes, set aside the clean potatoes and remove the skin. This recipe doesn’t specify how much cleaning you need, so the better. They need to be put in a pot (in large quantities), filled with water and cooked until the skin is soft. It should be so soft that you can crush it easily in the pot. When the skin reaches this state, the infected feet and toenails are soaked with the resulting fluid. Therefore, it is important that the pot is large. After smearing, it is necessary to clean the mass from the feet and legs, rub with lard and wear warm socks. This mass has no unpleasant odor and is easy to apply on your feet: you need to rub it every day until you are completely sure that nothing hurts, and that the infection no longer bothers you.
- Water + 70%vinegar solution. As in the previous case, the amount of material needed to cure a fungal infection on the toenails is not determined, there is only an indication to take equal parts of the two ingredients. The dough is put into the finished mixture - of course, you have to be careful so that nothing is left after that. The dough is placed on the affected nail, and the surrounding area is covered with masking tape. The procedure is performed from three to five days, so that the nails are completely separated from the fingers. And if this is not the case, then you are doing something wrong.
- Lemon, whose juice is rich in a variety of nutrients and nutrients, can also help fight nail fungus. From a lemon, you need to cut a circle, then divide it into two parts and place one half on the nail. Fixed compresses, lemon juice works well. Such treatment lasts from 8 to 10 days, depending on the results achieved.
- Aspen bark can be used as a foot bath and your thumbs will be thankful for it. To do this, you need to grind the bark and take 100 grams of this bark for half a liter. All this is mixed and poured into a small basin, where the legs are steamed. After that, it is necessary to prepare the following liquid for processing: 1 teaspoon of crushed soap (preferably household) mixed with soda until a slurry is formed. This lubricates the affected nail and the rest of the finger, if necessary.
- Two cloves of garlic must be chopped maximum, after which it is mixed with warmed butter in the amount of one hundred grams. The resulting fluid is injected for one day. It can be used to stick to nails after water treatment. This method is good because it has long been practiced - a full month, although treatment is done periodically, but the results will appear after seven days: the defeat of the small picture will begin to recede. Nothing hurts, and no new disputes arise.
- Sea salt can also be used for bathing: dissolved in a liter of hot boiled water and steamed feet. If necessary, the salt concentration can be increased by calculating one tablespoon per liter of hot water. The main thing is not to overdo it and be as accurate as possible in your calculations. Such a bath is done for two weeks, after which the results will be visible, and the fungus will begin to recede.
- Mountain ash can only be found at certain times of the year (summer), but at the same time it is very important for the thumb, the infected nail. To perform the treatment, rowan leaves are crushed to form gruel, which must be rubbed on the nails affected by the fungus. After ten days, you can stop this procedure.
- A number of flowers that grow outdoors have a very rich layer of nutrients and minerals that nature has endowed. These are flowers like chamomile and rope, which can be harvested to support healing. Violet, which is more considered a house plant, also belongs to the plants that can be used to treat nail fungus. The crushed flowers are mixed together and poured with one liter of boiled water. The liquid is infused for two hours and filtered. You can insert a piece of gauze into the color and make a compress out of it, which must be replaced each time the fabric dries.
It is possible to treat nail fungus with the help of traditional medicine, but it is still better to see a doctor. If you are wrong with its concentration, on the other hand, the liquid that is supposed to treat the disease, will exacerbate the problem. Therefore, it is very important to register with a dermatologist, and if there is a desire, you can consult with him about nail treatment with folk remedies. Experts will determine how useful they are in your case, and will draw reasonable conclusions.
Fungus on the toes has one nasty trait found in every fungus on any part of the foot: it has a back trait. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right preventative measures and do everything to reduce the risk of return. Even intensive and combined treatments do not guarantee complete safety against fungus on toenails.
First of all, while the patient is healing, you need to disinfect the shoes. This will help get rid of spores that may have stayed there during the infection, and in the future can independently cause foot fungus.
It is very important to keep the feet in an atmosphere conducive to their healing. For example, keep warm and, if possible, avoid crowded places where infections can spread, such as swimming pools, gyms, and other places where skin infections spread with profuse sweat, especially on the feet. The fungus is easily transmitted, and those who suffer from it are at risk of contracting the infection more than anyone else. Therefore, so that treatment is not in vain, you need to do everything possible.